A Happy Domme!

Yay! I got the blog editor of My choice setup so I can finally show some love to thebaconfactory.com and expose you little weirdos and perverts for exactly who and what you are! You idiots are already well aware of how powerful (and bitchy) I am with a pen. Stay-tuned, losers. I’m going to be detailing the new filthy truth about Error’s wife (who always manages to inspire Me to be a more ruthless homewrecker,) evidence of My first divorce (which is quite a feather in My homewrecking cap,) all the new mp3s I’ve put out recently on Niteflirt, and My new guerilla plan to put the hurt on those hot, young, dumb soldiers we’ve deployed to the Middle East! Yes, I’ve been busy … and you’ll finally be in on the action.


Make sure you idiots start leaving Me comments and post My stuff everywhere! I’ll see you on Niteflirt. xx

Porsha Always Reads Comments!