“Porsha isn’t regularly billed as a Hypnodomme. It’s a shame because Her mindfuck talent is second to none and Her erotic hypnosis mp3s are better than anything I’ve heard from anyone that claims to be a Hypnodomme. Porsha’s erotic hypnosis mp3s are how I initially fell into Her deep end. My life still hasn’t recovered. I’m not sure it ever will.”
– stupid whispers
My dear boyfriends and lovers,
We’re both here for the mindfuck. And you come to Me because you need a Hypnodomme that gets the job done. We all know you’re submissive, not stupid. And that puts you on the shit end of being unable to submit to a woman of inferior intelligence. So you have found Me, a veritable genius oasis in the sad, pathetic desert of brainless, coin-operated whores that chant, “pay loser” with tragic predictability and lackluster, uninspiring skill. Welcome to the best you’re ever going to have.
Please enjoy My erotic hypnosis and HypnoDomme audio files and mp3s. For your convenience and My profit, I have listed them below. As always, you may enjoy more of Me at thebaconfactory.com.
Porsha Rajal
Addiction – Extreme Femdom Mindfuck Hypnosis Audio (mp3)
Porsha is on a mission to fuck your mind and turn you into another one of her pet bitch boys! In this intensely erotic roller coaster hypnosis, “Addiction,” your Manipulative Minx drops you into a trance before throwing your brain and your balls for a swim the warm, soothing waters of Porsha’s love. And This Bitch brings all of her twisted resources to bear – manipulating you with deliciously sweet declarations of love before turning you out in a guided masturbation and repeat-after-me blowout. You might go in with a clear head, but you’re guaranteed to cum out the other end a certified Porshaholic. Buy this mp3 and seal your fate – I know you wanna ride.
Listen to Addiction – Extreme Femdom Mindfuck Hypnosis Audio (mp3) HERE!
Abject Cruelty mp3 – Femdom Mindfuck & Hypnosis Audio
Your dreams have been answered, dickless. Listen to your Favorite Ferocious Bitch coo you deep into a trance before using your dicklet to pry open your mind and head fuck you in ways that you’ve only dreamed about. Before you listen to this 20 minute rinse for your brain and wallet, you better find the battered pig’s shelter because this is where you and your wallet part ways. (And you know My fantasy is to fuck you into foreclosure!) So lay down and drop out while your wettest dream comes true and Porsha lays the sweet, seductive, supremely abusive foundation for making you her personal bitch boy. A must-have for those of you that are seriously ready to take a ride that you won’t forget – because everything you stick your snout in after this is going to be a downgrade.
No, I won’t marry you. Quit asking and pay.
Listen to Abject Cruelty mp3 – Femdom Mindfuck & Hypnosis Audio HERE!
Unethical Treatment mp3 – Femdom Hypnosis, Brainwashing and Mind Control
Your Ferocious Manipulatrix has done it again with this ridiculously hot hypnosis, mind control mindfuck! For more than 20 minutes, Porsha puts on her cock rockin’ bedroom voice and purrs into your ear – lulling you into a deep trance to apply her very own brand of sweet, sadistic, completely, unethical treatment. In the ultimate cock tease and denial, your Manipulative Minx will bring you to your knees and laugh while you’re scratching at your eyes for just a little release. But there’s just one catch. I dare you to find out.
Listen to Unethical Treatment mp3 – Femdom Hypnosis, Brainwashing and Mind Control HERE!
Love and Misery Audio Package – Femdom Mindfuck Extraordinaire
When I told my friend, a professional psychotherapist, about this audio and asked her what she thought. She responded, “I think you’re scary good.” And there you have it, the naked truth from the mouth of a babe. “Scary good” is an accurate description of this mp3, Porsha’s first publicly-available erotic hypnosis recording. The concept behind this erotic hypnosis and the quality of the end-product are exceptional. There will be no doubt that Porsha is a master of the erotic Mind fuck.
The packaged includes 2 mp3 files – one 20-minute recording that will cage your mind and a short “trigger” file to be used as a substitute for your phone ring tone and any other sounds you are able to replace in your primary living and work environments. In the main recording, Porsha draws on her expertise in public speaking and knowledge of Neuro Linguistic Programming in an effort designed to link two diametrically-opposed states of being to a “trigger.” Listen, feel, and discover the two sides of humanity that Porsha calls forth and unleashes into a war on your mind and soul … if you dare. Enjoy beautiful torture by a wicked, mental manipulatrix.
Instructions: Listen to the main file regularly and use the trigger file as instructed in the main file. The purpose is to have the emotional state of being in love/loved and the emotional state of being profoundly sad/defeated linked to the real or imagined sound of Me saying “Porsha Loves You.” It should muddy your mind and cloud your emotions sufficiently for you to seek answers …
Listen to Love and Misery Audio Package – Femdom Mindfuck Extraordinaire HERE!
I’ll Love You To Death.mp3 | The Ultimate Femdom Hypnosis Mindfuck + Porsha Porn
This is undoubtedly one of the hottest fetish audio mp3s to be produced in the name of Financial Domination. Your Fiendish Financial Domination and Forced Intox Mistress pulls out all the stops here with a truly seductive and sadistic love letter that professes her desire to consume you completely. Being totally owned and financially fucked by a cruel money mistress has NEVER sounded this hot. After hearing this, you will love Porsha forever and you’ll go to sleep at night praying that she’ll love you to death.
I got all turned on after a guy who has been playing on NiteFlirt for 9 years deleted his account in an attempt to kick his Porsha habit and made this audio. For just over 8 minutes, your favorite Sadist coos and moans in her hottest bedroom voice in a hypnotic profession of love for all you little ones that have been begging to see the softer side of Porsha. I turned myself on towards the end, so I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s definitely good for a few hard men. I threw in a brand new (CG) shot of Porsha Porn for good measure. (It’s demonstrative of what I’ve been doing all week.) As always, 100% original and absolutely incomparable. Enjoy, Lover.
Listen to I’ll Love You To Death.mp3 | The Ultimate Femdom Hypnosis Mindfuck + Porsha Porn HERE!
Hail Porsha mp3 – Femdom Mindfuck Manifesto
As per usual, your favorite Ferocious Bitch is breaking new ground in the realm of the seductive, delicious, and frightening mindfuck. I’m ripping the comfy pillows and soothing sounds right out of your faggoty little hypnosis jerkoff sessions. Get on your knees, bitch. I’ve decided to really bring the pain and fuck with your head(s) this week with meditative prayer and spiritual direction in My Mindfuck Manifesto – Hail Porsha. In no time, you’ll be brought to heel and learn to properly worship your Goddess while I hold a supremely twisted high mass that will leave you hurt, ashamed, rock hard, and ready to pay. Kneel and listen while Princess Porsha indoctrinates you in a way that would cause Mao to take notes. Mindfucking is an art, and you little maggots can just start calling Me Picasso.
Send cash. Your cum is more worthless than you are.
Listen to Hail Porsha mp3 – Femdom Mindfuck Manifesto HERE!
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